Skin Tightening
Beauty Tips Skin Care

How To Reduce The Signs Of Ageing With These Simple Steps -//-What Is Skin Tightening?

A few facial lines can be endearing, that’s right there is no shame in the age game, however, it’s no obvious secret that many of us would prefer to keep them in check. Though it can be challenging to reverse the appearance of wrinkles once you have them, there are steps you can take and lifestyle tweaks you can follow to slow the appearance down. 

Why doesn’t our skin stay plump and firm forever?  A question that is pondered on occasion, especially after a cheeky night out where you have unashamedly consumed your body weight in alcohol and snacks, waking up with evidence of all shenanigans dumped into your  face leaving you resembling a double-chinned potato head. Forever young is how we all desire to be,  but to reflect that in skin is a power that not even Beyonce holds, (that we have yet to discover). 

The ‘glow’ that everyone refers to is mostly owed to something called collagen, and hyaluronic acids which help to support the skin cells and ligaments that give support and structure that allows a form to be properly maintained. They keep your skin cells in their place but as we age these ligaments become weaker over time resulting in a saggy and thin skin texture. 

Tightening the skin on your face no longer requires drastic measures, instead of a series of tweaks – that may involve lasers and skincare can be more effective, not to mention naturally enhancing in appearance. 

We’ll take a closer look at evidence-backed ways to help you retain your youthful and invigorating glow.

  • Radiofrequency Microneedling Treatment

Radiofrequency microneedling treatment is the latest treatment of this time. It is an option for those who want to avoid invasive surgical treatment. Arriving in different powers, it comes in a low to high strength. Those with sagging skin need a session that provides a powerful radiofrequency than their younger peers. Radiofrequency heats the skin’s collagen and enables it to produce more collagen naturally. A slit in the skin is required to reach there deeply. Results typically emerge within six weeks to 3 months. 

  1. Ultrasound Skin Tightening Treatment 

This new treatment is a painless and noninvasive replacement to tighten your face. An Ultrasound energy is used in the process to uplift collagen production in your skin to make it firmer by applying heat to the skin tissue. This treatment is not suitable for all skin types like acne-prone skin but if you are in your dirty thirties and your skin is moderate, it is a good option for you. 

 You May Also Like: FaceGym’s Inge Theron on How to Tighten + Tone Your Face

  • FaceGym At Home or  In-Studio Workout 

Nothing more savvy and on-trend than the perfect workout that only requires your fingertips at home or to explore on a cheeky lunch appointment in store. Considered a workout and not a facial, it uses high-energy kneading movement and cutting edge technology to tone and sculpt your face using all 40 muscles. 

  • Laser Skin Tightening Treatment 

This treatment reduces fine lines and sun damage from your skin. It is an effective way to treat lax and loose skin as well as those pesky double chins. A handheld device is used to nurture the skin with ultrasound waves. The lasers target water and collagen to reduce wrinkles, this session usually takes 45 – 90 minutes and you will need to take one or two sessions in the whole treatment as suggested by your beauty therapist. 

  • Homecare Skin Care 

You can also take care of the skin by using different dermatological serus, peels or creams recommended by your dermatologist. Consistent application with cleansers and daily serums as well as moisturizers paired with SPF (let us never forget) we can always start with what we put on our skin. 

Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose is a distinguished figure at The Mews Beauty, an online magazine dedicated to beauty, fashion, and health. As a prominent contributor since 2019, Nyla has been instrumental in shaping the magazine's voice and content. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of topics including beauty tips, fashion trends, health and fitness advice, and lifestyle insights. Nyla's passion for empowering women through informative and engaging content has made her a beloved and respected voice among The Mews Beauty's readership.

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