How Walking Benefits the Skin
Beauty Tips

How Walking Benefits the Skin

The secret to better skin may not be found in your UV-blocking sunscreen, anti-aging cream, or even in your healthy hydrating habits. Instead, the key to healthier skin often starts from the bottom-up, from your walking shoes.

Most people are aware of the health benefits of walking, such as better bone strength and cardiovascular health. However, this gentle, accessible form of exercise also helps improve your skin. Next time you don’t feel like going out for a walk, think about how you will have glowing skin at the end and that will encourage you to lace up your sneakers!

Your Skin Benefits from Better Circulation

One of the most important health benefits of walking is better circulation. Getting your heart pumping and your blood flowing is the key to better heart health.

However, better circulation also has an external benefit, which is better skin. When you walk, your heart pumps more blood to all the little blood vessels in your body, including the ones that connect to your skin. This means that more oxygen and nutrients flow to your skin, which helps it look plump and vibrant.

While walking doesn’t necessarily detoxify your skin, it does flush away waste products. When your circulation isn’t flowing as it should, cellular debris and free radicals get clogged in your skin, resulting in clogged pores and duller skin.

Walking Reduces Stress

Another benefit of walking is that it reduces stress. Cardiovascular exercise reduces cortisol levels, which cause stress and affect your well-being if they are too high. Stress takes a toll on your body in the form of stress-induced health conditions and by causing premature aging. So you don’t have to think about where to walk why not use a free walking app such as the one from Visorando.

Walking also reduces stress in other ways. Getting closer to nature helps you feel calmer and improves your sleep every night.

Besides premature aging, stress is linked to outbreaks of other skin conditions such as acne or rosacea. By managing your stress levels, you are helping to manage your skin.

Walking Helps Manage Exercise-Related Skin Conditions

It’s commonly accepted that exercise is good for you, including for your beauty routine, but some skin conditions do get worse with strenuous exercise. For example, you could get an acne outbreak after sweating or rosacea from overheating.

Luckily, walking is so versatile that it makes exercise accessible even if other forms of exercise make your skin worse. If you don’t want to sweat, you can set a gentle pace when walking to prevent perspiration. If you’re sensitive to heat, you can walk in a large indoor area such as the mall or during times of the day when it is not very hot.

Even if the conventional wisdom about exercise helping with skin problems does not usually apply to you, walking is often the exception.

Walking has many health benefits, including healthier skin. Better circulation from walking helps your skin look plumper and more youthful, so get walking today! Just be sure to take precautions to protect yourself and your skin, such as wearing UV-blocking clothing and hats, applying sunscreen, and not walking in the middle of the day.

Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose is a distinguished figure at The Mews Beauty, an online magazine dedicated to beauty, fashion, and health. As a prominent contributor since 2019, Nyla has been instrumental in shaping the magazine's voice and content. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of topics including beauty tips, fashion trends, health and fitness advice, and lifestyle insights. Nyla's passion for empowering women through informative and engaging content has made her a beloved and respected voice among The Mews Beauty's readership.

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