
How to Nail the Aesthetics of Your Garden

When it comes to the garden, aesthetics really matter. If your outdoor space isn’t beautiful, then you probably won’t want to spend any time in it. It’ll simply be used as a storage facility – which, given how important outdoor space is for human health and wellbeing, would be a shame.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to put in a special effort to plan your garden, and make sure that the aesthetics are up to scratch. Get everything right, and it should look, feel and smell amazing!

Planning is key

You should start with a rough plan. Time and energy you invest here will pay off when you come to the final implementation. Those little gaps and misalignments that arise when you’re trying to improvise your paths, flowerbeds and fences into position can often be avoided with some extra effort at the planning stage. If you have the right background, you might even bring in some 3D design software; for most of us, a little bit of graph paper and some patience will make a big difference.

Your choice of fence panels can make a big difference, since they’re going to be taking up a lot of the visual field in many cases. Conceal them with plants, or accentuate them with a suitable coat of paint.

How to pick the right plants

A garden’s aesthetic appeal will often depend on the plants it includes. You’ll want a variety of types of flowers. Through different heights, sizes and colours might create a whole range of effects. Think about seasonality, the soil conditions, and the amount of sunlight that certain areas of the garden will be receiving. After all, plants that aren’t growing well will tend to let down the overall look of the space.

Beginner gardeners, for thing reason, might want to stick to flowering plants that are low-maintenance and reliable, especially if there’s limited time available to actually maintain the garden.

Add a water feature if you can

For good reason, water features tend to form the centrepiece in many gardens. A little fountain will create visual interest – and human beings are naturally adapted to find the sound of running water a little bit soothing.

When it comes to water features, it pays to go for one or two. While it’s possible to achieve good results with more than that, most gardens will benefit from a simpler approach.

Lightning and mood

The right lighting can radically change the look of the space at night-time. For practical reasons, you might install solar lights along the footpaths, or at head-height around any seating or outdoor dining areas. Think about the kinds of shadows you’re going to be casting with your lights, and how you’ll be powering them.

Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose is a distinguished figure at The Mews Beauty, an online magazine dedicated to beauty, fashion, and health. As a prominent contributor since 2019, Nyla has been instrumental in shaping the magazine's voice and content. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of topics including beauty tips, fashion trends, health and fitness advice, and lifestyle insights. Nyla's passion for empowering women through informative and engaging content has made her a beloved and respected voice among The Mews Beauty's readership.

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