4 DIY Projects to Try That Will Help You Destress

4 DIY Projects to Try That Will Help You Destress

DIY hobby searches are rising as more people try to expand their horizons.

It’s no secret that the stress level around the world has increased since the pandemic, but if you’re like most of us, you’re trying to find ways to adapt. A new hobby or project is a tried-and-true, research-backed method of stress reduction.

When you’re doing something enjoyable, the effects are seen in your mental and physical health. So, if you’re feeling the pressure rise in your daily life, it’s vital for your overall wellbeing that you find a hobby that makes you happy.

Not sure where to start? Check out this list of DIY projects that actively reduce stress. Try one, some, or all, and you’ll feel your cares disappearing as you destress.

1. Create a Stress Ball

You’ve seen the squishy, colorful “toys” that come in multiple shapes and sizes. They’re called stress balls, but they aren’t always circular.

Designed for stress reduction, the ball (or other strategic shapes) works by activating your hand and wrist muscles. When you release your grip, the muscles relax.

Repeating the action serves to reduce the tension in your body. You can do it anytime, anywhere. And by creating your own stress ball, you’re doing an activity that benefits you twofold. You’ll relax as you go through the steps of the process, and you’ll have a stress-reducing technique when you’re anxious in the future.

With three simple ingredients and these step-by-step instructions, you can have your own homemade stress ball.

2. Make a New Recipe

Cooking activates the creative parts of your brain that aren’t always allowed to run free. If you enjoy the culinary arts, learning a new recipe is the perfect stress-reducing project.

Give yourself the permission and creative freedom to try new things. Your favorite recipes will still be there, but learning a new recipe and tweaking it lets the creativity flow.

For example, you’ve seen the hottest new trend in cooking ingredients is cannabis. Using it serves a dual purpose. You can relax and enjoy the process, and when you feel anxious later, you have something to eat that reduces stress in your body. Start with this easy cannabis tincture recipe by Veriheal to begin your outside-of-the-box cooking journey.

If you’re more into keeping your cooking straight edge, then the options are boundless. If you’re looking for something uniquely delicious and fun, try these big mac sliders that are sure to be a hit at your next gathering or simply as a treat for yourself. You’ll have the most fun trying new recipes when you make them for other people however, this way you can get another opinion whilst also making sure their stomach is full by the end.

3. Learn Yoga Moves

When you imagine someone doing yoga, you probably picture a calm, relaxed individual surrounded by soothing colors in a quiet environment.

Why can’t that be you?

Yoga is a great way to relax both your body and mind. And, there are plenty of easy yoga moves that you can learn at home. If you enjoy it enough, you may even wish to consider yoga teachers training toronto, passing on your knowledge, and instructing others in this art.

Everything about yoga is designed for stress reduction. However, the activity goes beyond that benefit, encouraging your mind and body to relax and promoting wellness.

Yoga’s basic movements improve flexibility and reduce tight muscles. You’ll feel fewer aches and pains, while at the same time, you’ll also notice a marked reduction in mental stress.

The best part is that you don’t need a gym membership or a class to get started. Create a DIY project to learn stress-reducing yoga moves at home.

4. Plant a Garden

Green thumb, black thumb, or in between, it doesn’t matter. The act of gardening, even if the plants end up unlike what you planned, is enough to lower your cortisol levels.

Cortisol is the chemical produced by your body when it feels stressed. A little of this hormone is important because it triggers the fight-or-flight response and puts you on alert. But if you’re not in a dangerous situation at the moment, cortisol is harmful rather than helpful.

Gardening decreases these stress levels in multiple ways.

First, the fact that you’re getting active and out in the fresh air does the trick. Add to that the extensive benefits of being around plants, such as better air quality and improved mindfulness, and you have an easy instant stress fix.

Sitting in your garden, weeding and tending your plants, gives you a break from the hectic pace of your day. It’s a project that has long-lasting effects, and you’ll start to look forward to the time you spend there.


Destressing doesn’t have to come with the hefty price tag of a spa or a vacation getaway. You can do any of these four projects in your home or backyard on an inexpensive DIY budget, and they’ll have instant and long-term benefits.

Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose is a distinguished figure at The Mews Beauty, an online magazine dedicated to beauty, fashion, and health. As a prominent contributor since 2019, Nyla has been instrumental in shaping the magazine's voice and content. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of topics including beauty tips, fashion trends, health and fitness advice, and lifestyle insights. Nyla's passion for empowering women through informative and engaging content has made her a beloved and respected voice among The Mews Beauty's readership.

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